Now that our note loads into our form, let’s work on saving the changes we make to that note.

Replace the handleSubmit function in src/containers/Notes.js with the following.

function saveNote(note) {
  return API.put("notes", `/notes/${id}`, {
    body: note,

async function handleSubmit(event) {
  let attachment;


  if (file.current && file.current.size > config.MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE) {
      `Please pick a file smaller than ${
        config.MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE / 1000000
      } MB.`


  try {
    if (file.current) {
      attachment = await s3Upload(file.current);

    await saveNote({
      attachment: attachment || note.attachment,
  } catch (e) {

And include our s3Upload helper method in the header:

import { s3Upload } from "../lib/awsLib";

The code above is doing a couple of things that should be very similar to what we did in the NewNote container.

  1. If there is a file to upload we call s3Upload to upload it and save the key we get from S3. If there isn’t then we simply save the existing attachment object, note.attachment.

  2. We save the note by making a PUT request with the note object to /notes/:id where we get the id from the useParams hook. We use the API.put() method from AWS Amplify.

  3. And on success we redirect the user to the homepage.

Let’s switch over to our browser and give it a try by saving some changes.

Notes page saving screenshot

You might have noticed that we are not deleting the old attachment when we upload a new one. To keep things simple, we are leaving that bit of detail up to you. It should be pretty straightforward. Check the AWS Amplify API Docs on how to a delete file from S3.

Next up, let’s allow users to delete their note.